Happy New Year!
It's had to believe it is already 2018. This is a perfect time to reflect on the last year and come up with some goals for this year.
Some people make resolutions every day while others need the first of a new year to make changes in their lives or goals they want to achieve. For me, it's just a way to realign my goals and I find making resolutions at new years has it's own excitement.
1. Spend more time with my family. When you work from your home studio, it is hard to separate the work time and family time. This year I would like to try and have a set time for working as well as enjoy family time.
2. A healthy lifestyle. I know this is the hardest resolution for many of us and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has always been a struggle for me. Most of my working hours are spent sitting on a chair in front of the computer and my goal is to get more physical activity in my everyday life and start eating healthy.
3. Be more organized. My goal is to be a little more organized in my business this year. I would like to figure out a system where I can work more efficiently and get more things done on my daily list.
4. Grow wholesale business. My goal for The Imagination Spot is to take steps to grow my wholesale side as well as the custom side of my business. I am so excited as I already have a few steps lined to which will hopefully help my achieve my business goals for this year.
5. Meet more people in the community. I have always been an introvert. However in 2017 I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and met many new people and made new connections. My goal for this year is to push myself further and be more active in the local community. I hope to make some new friends this year.
6. Make time for myself. Juggling business and family is never easy. This past year I have worked many long hours and made very little time for myself. By the end of the year I find myself feeling totally exhausted and out of energy.Ā I took the Holidays to recharge myself and this year I plan to set time aside for myself.
We all know how hard it can be to keep all your resolutions but to me what matters the most is trying. Setting goals and trying hard to achieve those is the most important step. I am not sure how many of the above goals I will be able to keep but I am looking forward to starting this year with new purpose and excitement.